Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Note To Myself before I become A Wife

It takes enough time for me to realized that become a Wife is really a huge thing..

Dari hasil curhat di grup line, ternyata ada beberapa perempuan yang walaupun sudah mengikat diri dalam ikatan pernikahan tapi tetap masih saja menghubungi cinta lamanya.

that's quite scary, to be honest.

bagaiamana mungkin badan kita baring bersebelah-sebelahan dengan pria namun yang ada di pikiran (atau bahkan di hati) kita pria lain?

That's the cruelest thing a woman can ever do, man!

What's the point of your marriage guys, seriously!

Terus kenapa kalian menikah, toh ternyata yang kalian tetap sibukkan adalah sosok yang berbeda.

Dear my future husband,

I promise you,
I will be so busy in loving you that I can't have any other time to think about any other man...

By saying I do..

I promise you,
That only for you I give all my time and all my heart...

I Love you,
Always will,
Always have.

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